Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First blog post

Well I was preparing to finish my income taxes today and this is why you are reading my blog. Yes, I am a procrastinator.

I was going to start on my taxes but decided I needed to check my email first. So I opened up my Gmail and saw a new tab called Buzz. So I decided to post a Buzz to see if anyone was using this. Then I decided I didn't really know anything about Buzz so I Googled it. One of the links mentioned blogging. So I Googled "Google Blog" to see what that was all about. That took me to the Google Blog site and I thought: What the heck? Everyone on Etsy says you need a blog, a lot of people I know have blogs, so I guess I'll create a blog, too.

So here I am. Now I just need to figure out what to write and how to link this up to other places you can find me such as my web site, my facebook fan page, my JewelryArte store on Etsy, my JewelryArte store on 1000Markets, etc., etc.

Now I am really, really going to work on my taxes. First I need to get dressed, though, and clean up the kitchen and feed the cat and ..........